


Articles From Past Participants  

A thank you letter for CTS 2003

Dr. T. O'Brien

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work in Pacific Spirit Park. It was a wonderful experience. I tried things that I'd never done before like: preserving a bog by pulling out non-native plants, making trails, digging pools for salmon restoration and building fences which earned me the nickname "the hammer". I met all sorts of people and sometimes had to work really hard to find common interests to keep the conversation going on walks or bike rides. The training we had (CPR and interpretive walk info.) taught me a lot. I can't believe I got paid too! We are really lucky to have Pacific Spirit Park and so many people enjoy it in many different ways. I am really lucky to have been a part of this great program. Thank you again.

Yours truly,
Cory Farquharson


  1. A thank you letter for CTS 2003 - by Cory Farquharson
  2. Caught on to a Great Start - by Susan Lin
  3. Catching the Spirit 2002! - by Iris Chan
  4. Patrolling Around the Park - by Susan Lin
  5. Catching the Spirit on BCMOS Trail Hikes - by Laura Winter
  6. Catching the Spirit Donors's Day - by Susan Lin
  7. Exhausted with Accomplishment - by Susan Lin
  8. Kindness in the Park - by Iris Chan