


Articles From Past Participants  

Kindness in the Park
by Iris Chan

    I never feel lonely in Pacific Spirit Park. When it is clear, the gleaming sun shines over me, when it is overcast, the refreshing breeze brings me fresh air. Flies, mosquitoes, and ladybugs also joined in to keep me company on the bench, while I monitored park users, collecting data. To my surprise, sitting quietly in observation was really enjoyable. The beauty of nature is always greatly appreciated, but I discovered also, the beauty of man.

    On a cool day, I sat still at a picnic table, and collect data for the Park Users Survey. Everything was calm and peaceful. Once in a while, visitors would recognize me as a volunteer, and gave me their comments. They were polite, and we exchanged greetings. Other times, I gave directions and handed out maps, offering a little helping hand. Even a dog would use some help. One came by my side with a short twig. I handed it a longer stick, and it immediately dropped the first to take my gift, wandering away merrily.

    When lunchtime comes, visitors love to picnic in the park. I met a few groups of bikers, and we shared the table together. We chatted, shared some jokes, and laughter. They even invited me to share their lunch. I still remember the bagel with cream cheese which warmed my heart on a cool, overcast day. More importantly, I tasted kindness, and was no longer cold nor hungry.

    Another interaction demonstrated Pacific Spirit again. A lady lost her set of car and house keys while taking her usual morning stroll. She lent my emergency cell phone to call home, and I kept her company, praying the best for her. Poor lady, she was tired, and she had blisters on her foot. She needed a rest, instead of walking back to search for her keys. If only I had my bike with me to patrol around the park that day. Then, a jogger passed by, and showed empathy. She volunteered to look for her keys on her way, since she was jogging along the same route the walker visited. Shortly afterwards, the lady went to meet her husband at the trail entrance, and there she found her keys on the park information board. The lady went back to tell me, and she was thankful and overjoyed. Great! God answered our prayer. I was told earlier that people usually put lost items on top of the posts, which mark the trails, or on the bulletin boards. Some more time elapsed, and the previous jogger appeared, reporting to me that she found a set of keys. "Thanks for your act of kindness, but they belong to another visitor. The lady claimed hers already," I remarked. What an irony!

    The Pacific Spirit shall be kindled and passed on, if each person believes that his acts of kindness do make a difference. Nevertheless, it is in giving that we receive.


  1. A thank you letter for CTS 2003 - by Cory Farquharson
  2. Caught on to a Great Start - by Susan Lin
  3. Catching the Spirit 2002! - by Iris Chan
  4. Patrolling Around the Park - by Susan Lin
  5. Catching the Spirit on BCMOS Trail Hikes - by Laura Winter
  6. Catching the Spirit Donors's Day - by Susan Lin
  7. Exhausted with Accomplishment - by Susan Lin
  8. Kindness in the Park - by Iris Chan