Guildford Park Community Group Society

Partners in Education

Tutor Profile


Why did you accept the position as an After School Tutor?

I love to work with my peers and I am interested in a career which involves working with children; therefore, I thought this was a great opportunity to gain experience while working with kids around my age.


What were your main responsibilities and duties?

My main responsibilities were to provide tutoring help to students after school. This also involved circling around the library to monitor the students, as well as, showing my availability to help. There were also times when I was responsible for photocopying the daily logs, or doing other similar office jobs.


What training did you receive? Did you attend the training session?

We received training regarding expectations, rules, morals and respect. I found that they were very useful as I was always aware of these things in the library environment. I also worked hard to further understand the material so I could help students who were struggling.


Would you recommend the After School Tutoring Program to a friend?

Yes, I would! I found it a great learning experience! Not just in academics, but also in social skills as it allows and enables you to speak to all kinds of different people.


Did you develop any new skills through this program that you can use in the future?

Yes, I’ve learned different ways of helping and communicating. From speaking slower to helping by creating visuals: I learned the different strategies used depending on the different people I worked with.


What is your impression of yourself as a tutor?

I would say that I put a real effort into helping. I’m not the type to give up and put things aside. My goals are to help others, even though I may need to find someone else to help me understand a concept, I’ll do it.


What did you discover about students during your tutoring sessions?

I learned that everyone is truly different. The way they learn, how they study, how they speak and how they stay focused. I learned that I needed many different ways to communicate while tutoring.


What aspects of tutoring did you find enjoyable?

I loved meeting new people, especially those in other grades. I’ve made many new friends and acquaintances that I probably would never have known if it weren’t for the Tutoring Program.


What skills, knowledge and attitudes do you think are important when tutoring?

For skills, I think it’s most important to be able to communicate well. Teaching is one thing, but getting someone to understand you while teaching is a whole other thing. Knowledge is great- it’s good to know what you’re doing. But you don’t have to be a genius to tutor! Positive attitude is what makes tutoring a fun experience. Being negative will only lead to frustration.