Guildford Park Community Group Society

Partners in Education

Programs: After School Tutoring

About After School Tutoring Program
Tutor criteria and selection
Comments by Students
Comments by Tutors


About the After School Tutoring Program

The Tutoring and Homework Program is an after school educational enrichment program for at-risk secondary students who live in our inner-city community. The program is designed to demonstrate that the trend of poor student achievement can be reversed and that all students can master academic standards if they are given time, support and instruction that focuses on their academic needs.
Students at the library
The After School Tutoring Program helps support several of the community's youth

Student tutors are the heart of the program. Tutors work with students individually or in small groups and offer tutoring as well as friendship, encouragement, and guidance. The Tutoring Program focuses the efforts of teachers on the diagnosed academic needs of students and harnesses the energies of tutors and learning assistance staff to reinforce the teachers' efforts. The relationship that develops between tutors, teachers and students provides the kind of guidance, support and inspiration necessary for their future success. One caring person can make a difference in a young person's life.

This after school tutoring program provides free tutoring sessions for students who need one-on-one help with their homework and assignments. Students registered in this program are tutored in the library at Guildford Park Secondary School. The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities to extend our students' learning time to outside the regular classroom day. The tutoring homework program targets our underachievers whom we often lose due to their lack of success. The tutoring and homework program gives students at Guildford Park Secondary an opportunity to do homework, use computers, get help and/or study in a pleasant, well-supervised environment. Also, it gives our senior students a rewarding opportunity to provide their time and academic expertise to others in need. We raise funds to provide student tutors (qualifying grade 11&12 students) from Guildford Park Secondary School with an opportunity to apply and work for tuition credit funds which they can use to support their post-secondary education.

Students at the library
A typical busy day at the After School Tutoring Program

The tutoring program has two main objectives:

  1. To allow inner-city students to receive tutoring services that they would not normally be able to afford.
  2. To provide outstanding students with an opportunity to earn income for their post-secondary education.

After School Tutoring Program is available from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:45pm to 4:15pm at the Guildford Park Secondary School Library.

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Guildford Park Community Group began its pilot-tutoring program seven years ago. Our after school tutoring program is dedicated to raising academic achievement levels for low income and at-risk youth in our inner city community. Our successes in helping the student achieve the outcomes of the tutoring and homework activity translates into student success in the classroom the following day. Our research and documentation prove that this program is very successful. Since September 2002, over 100 students have received tutoring services. 28% of these students have maintained a passing grade while 65% have increased their grade in one or more subjects. Thirty five to forty students per day use this after school program (statistics attached). 436 or 35% of our students take advantage of the tutoring and homework program. Teachers agree that our program improves students' grades and attitude about learning. We have had positive feedback from the parents and students. The tutoring program has become on integral part of the educational program in our community.

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Tutor Criteria and Selection

In order to qualify as a tutor, a student must have previously passed the course with a grade of A or B. A teacher from the course area may be asked to approve the tutor based on proficiency, sensitivity, and the ability to relate to other students. Tutors may also tutor if they are currently enrolled in the course and receive a favorable teacher recommendation. In this latter case, they must maintain their academic standing to continue tutoring. The tutoring coordinator will interview all applicants.

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Past Tutor Profiles

Our tutor profiles have been updated! Click on the following names to read more about what our tutors have to say.

















Comments by Students

"I get help with the stuff that is difficult for me to understand."

"It keeps me from watching TV which is what I would do at home".

"I am able to finish my homework at school and I understand it more"

"I come everyday after school and find it great because I get a lot more work done because I can focus and concentrate."
Students at the library
The Crowded school library
"I do not have a computer at home. This program has helped me do my homework. I am an ESL student and don't have much language skills, so this program can solve my problems."

"I like this program because it gave me an opportunity to improve my writing skills and learn extra information."

"I would like to thank the tutors because they help me and I need help everyday to make me understand."

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Comments by Tutors

"Learning is a great thing and help should be available to anyone who needs and wants it. It was a wonderful experience to provide my knowledge to people who need it."

"I was given a profound insight to the many struggles that students often face when it comes to academics"

"The tutoring program really made me aware of how much people around me need my help."

"Through this program I gained a lot of experience with people. I know I will carry my experience with me when I go to university."

"The tutoring program has taught me patience, respect and many other skills that will be valuable to me in my future opportunities."

Students at the library
Another busy day at the library
"The process of saving for my education has become a lot more bearable due to the tuition funds I received."



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