Guildford Park Community Group Society

Partners in Education

Tutor Profile



Why did you accept the position as an After School Tutor?

I wanted to help kids and to improve my communication skills.  Also, I am considering a career in teaching so I thought that by being a tutor I can experience a little of what it’s like to teach




What were your main responsibilities and duties?

Helping students with their homework

Make sure that rules are being followed

Make sure library is clean after each session

Make sure students actually understand the material


Would you recommend the After School Tutoring Program to a friend?

Yes, because a lot of the tutors are really smart and friendly. Also, if a tutor doesn’t know something, chances are that another tutor will.


Did you develop any new skills through this program that you can use in the future?

Instead of developing new skills, I improved some old ones such as communication, and people skills.


What is your impression of yourself as a tutor?

I feel that I am not very prepared especially when I have a set student to help in the same subject


What did you discover about students during your tutoring sessions?

I learned that a lot of them do know their stuff and that their mistakes are really small. Also, many students do understand the material pretty fast if you explain scenarios in different ways.


What aspects of tutoring did you find enjoyable?

Talking and getting to know the students and watching them do the work that you helped them understand.


What skills, knowledge and attitudes do you think are important when tutoring?

Skills: Commutation, people skills, socialize, patience
Knowledge: a good grasp of all the basic subjects
Attitude: Open, friendly, non-judgmental