Guildford Park Community Group Society

Partners in Education

Tutor Profile



Why did you accept the position as an After School Tutor?

I thought it would be a good opportunity to gain work experience, and to work with others my age.



What were your main responsibilities and duties?

My main responsibilities and duties were to assist students in completing homework. I was required to keep my work area clean and tidy and
to record data for a daily log.


What training did you receive? Did you attend the training session?

In our training session, we were taught how to become an after school tutor, along with the expectations of being a tutor. Yes, I attended the training sessions and I do feel that I received enough training.


Would you recommend the After School Tutoring Program to a friend?

Yes, I would recommend the After School Tutoring Program to my friends because the program provides knowledgeable tutors who can help them understand the material being taught in their class.


Did you develop any new skills through this program that you can use in the future?

Yes, I developed communication skills and I learned to work with others in a busy area.


What is your impression of yourself as a tutor?

I am dependable, helpful, thoughtful and respectful.


What did you discover about students during your tutoring sessions?

I discovered that some of the things being taught in school can be really easy for some people yet really tough for others.


What aspects of tutoring did you find enjoyable?

I enjoyed helping other students with their homework.


What skills, knowledge and attitudes do you think are important when tutoring?

Communication, patience and listening skills are important when tutoring. As a tutor, I learned to listen to a student’s problem before trying to help.