Guildford Park Community Group Society

Partners in Education

Tutor Profile


Why did you accept the position as an After School Tutor?

I wanted to become a tutor because I enjoy helping others overcome any struggles they have with their school work. Also, it was a good opportunity to help me save up for my University Tuition.


What were your main responsibilities and duties?

My main responsibilities and duties were to help students with their homework. I guided them through their work and motivated them to stay focused on their assignments.


What training did you receive? Did you attend the training session?

Yes, I went to the training sessions. We were taught how to keep records and how to handle a difficult situation.


Would you recommend the After School Tutoring Program to a friend?

Yes, because it’s a great place where you can get extra help and it helps students build better study habits and learning outcomes.


Did you develop any new skills through this program that you can use in the future?

While helping students, I developed better communication skills by being patient and using my listening skills.


What is your impression of yourself as a tutor?

I am a very friendly, reliable and helpful tutor.


What did you discover about students during your tutoring sessions?

Most students are very shy and too intimidated to ask for help. All students have their own learning style and everyone is at a different skill level.


What aspects of tutoring did you find enjoyable?

I enjoyed helping students with their work and seeing how happy they were when they had success in their class.   


What skills, knowledge and attitudes do you think are important when tutoring?

Being helpful, having a positive attitude and being a mature role model for the younger students.