Guildford Park Community Group Society

Partners in Education

Tutor Profile



Why did you accept the position as an After School Tutor?

The reason I wanted to be an After School Tutor was to help others. When I was a junior student I received help from the After School Tutors. I believe that I have gained enough skills and knowledge to help other students with their assignments.



What were your main responsibilities and duties?

My main responsibilities and duties were to help students understand course concepts and help them with their homework and to teach skills to students and to help them finish their assignments


What training did you receive? Did you attend the training session?

I have been trained to understand students’ needs and feelings. I was trained to deal with students with patience and enthusiasm and to use appropriate language when tutoring the students. I feel I have received enough training, because skills come from real practice and experience.


Would you recommend the After School Tutoring Program to a friend?

Yes, I would recommend the After School Tutoring Program to a friend who is struggling with school work; to have someone explain and teach another student is an effective way of learning and understanding.


Did you develop any new skills through this program that you can use in the future?

Through tutoring program, I have improved my communication, leadership, and time management skills. I also learned how to manage my time effectively, so tutoring wouldn’t affect my own study time.


What is your impression of yourself as a tutor?

My impression of myself, as a tutor is, that I wouldn’t just give the students the answers to their homework. I always used to teach students good learning skills that they could transfer to all courses and would be useful in the future. My goal is that every student I tutor can learn some good skills from me and be able to finish their homework independently.


What did you discover about students during your tutoring sessions?

I discovered that all students are very intelligent in some way. The only reason that they are struggling with school work is that they don’t have good learning skills and they don’t know how to study after class or pre-study before class.


What aspects of tutoring did you find enjoyable?

As a tutor, it was most enjoyable when I could see the improvements of the students that I tutored. The improvements of these students gave me encouragement to be a good tutor.


What skills, knowledge and attitudes do you think are important when tutoring?

I think being positive, patient, and enthusiastic are good attitudes when tutoring. Knowing that each student needs different learning skills is also important. Being able to deal with all kinds of students and keeping a positive attitude are important tutoring skills.