ZSC (Zoroastrian Sports Comittee)

كميته ورزشى زرتشتيان آمريكاى شمالى 

Contact ZSC : [email protected]




جام يگانگى فوتبال ، لوس آنجلس اوائل سپتامبر 2005

9th Games  بازيهاي نهم - ونكوور     

Vancouver, Canada  July 1-4, 2004

8th Games  ÙO¡ç êDèëqDF


July 3-7 2002  - LA, California

xÏWÛA ußÎ , q3740 pìN 15 DN12

Photos Dèwǵ DFyoCrÊ

Application FormÖDÛPGR Öp¾

Original Invitation íèÊA

Flyer ÖoA

7th Games  ÙO¿ç êDèëqDF

2000pG×Dvk27-26-uCrËN ÚßOvßç-ÚDìO¡Noq íÛDèVêDèëqDF ÝìØO¿ç

7th World Zarathushti Games - Huston, Texas, December 26-27, 2000


Details and News of these games DèëqDF ÝëC Ð×DÆ cpz

DÜz Þ íÛClì× Þ Þk , ÌÜJ ÌÜìJ ,ÍDGìÎCÞ ,ÍDGOÇwF :qC lÛkßFMoDGµ ízqoÞ êDç éOzo

qC íÇëÝìÜaØç Þ ÌÜJ ÌÜìJ Dë ÍDGìÎCÞ ,ÍDGOÇwF êDç éOzo qC íÇë ok PwÛCßOì× p¿ÜÇë

.lëDØÛÖDÛ PGR éOzo Þk ok pSÆCld íÜ·ë ,lçk éÃFDw× DÜz DëíÛClì× Þk êDç éOzo

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6th Games  Ù¡z êDèëqDF

êkÔì× 1999 ÚDOwFDN xÏWÛA ußÎ -ÚDìO¡Noq íÛDèVêDèëqDF ÝìØ¡z êDèwǵ

Photos of 6th World Zarathushti Games - Los Angeles 1999


5th Games  ÙWÜJ êDèëqDF

5th Games Photos DèëqDF ÝìØWÜJ xǵ

1998 LA, CA

4th Games  ÖoDèZ êDèëqDF

4th Games Photos DèëqDF Ýì×oDèZ xǵ

1992, Long Beach LA

3rd GamesÖßv êDèëqDF

3rd Games Photos DèëqDF Ýì×ßv xǵ

1990, San Jose, CA

2nd GamesÖÞk êDèëqDF

2nd Games PhotosDèëqDF Ýì×Þk xǵ


1st GamesÍÞC êDèëqDF


1st Games PhotosDèëqDF ÝìÎÞC xǵ

1988, LA, CA


 بازيهاى فوتبال - جام يگانگى - لوس آنجلس Zarathushti Unity Soccer Cup


چهارمين بازيها   

4th Games 3-4 September 2005


Flyer      Banquete




2nd  Cup , LA, California  2-3 September 2001

2001 pG×DOKv 3-2 , xÏWÛA ußÎ -  DèëqDF Ýì×Þk


ZSCUnityCup2001_1.jpg (358892 bytes) ZSCUnityCup2001_2.jpg (318778 bytes) ZSCUnityCup2001_KooroshTeam.jpg (290539 bytes) ZSCUnityCup2001_YouthChampion.jpg (372247 bytes)

Photos: Omid Ghassemi

 4 teams for Youth Soccer (Age 9-14) which ranked: 

1. Iran   2. Z-Kids   3. Azad    4. Tehran 

7 adult teams (15 & Above) which top 3 ranked: 

1. Kourosh of Orange County   2. Javanan-e Vatan  of Los Angeles   3. Fravahar of Valley


:éÆ lÜOzCk PÆpz ÚDÛCßV ßÛ ÙìN 4 Þ ÚÓDwÊorF ÙìN 7

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.lÛkpÆ HwÆ

.lÛlz Ößv DN ÍÞC kCqA Þ íO¡Noq êDç éaF ,ÚCpëC êDèØìN , ÚDÛCßVßÛ ÝìF ok



One of the main objectives of O'Shihan Cultural Organization is to promote sport among Zarathushti community.


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