Special Events at the Museum*
Check our Web Log for Updates and New Information and any Last Minute Changes to Events at "The Port Moody Museum Blog" Please note that some of these dates and details are subject to change and some events are tentative. Please check back as the events draw closer.
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o October 3 Ioco Ghost Town Days
*Volunteers needed for all these events.
Please call (604) 939-1648 for more information.
Email for Event Information [email protected]
Ioco Ghost Town Days
Thursday to Sunday, October 3rd 11:30am-3:30pm
Help us celebrate the heritage of Ioco town at the 9th annual Ioco Ghost Town Days.
The main event will take place Sunday, October 3rd 11:30am-3:30pm at the old Ioco Lawn Bowling Green (Ioco Rd. & 1st Ave.) in Port Moody. All ages will find something to enjoy at this FREE family event.
Highlights include:
Living History Skits - Bring your children to participate in a skit about Ioco's early days. Creative minds of all types welcome.
Antique Car Site Tours - Get a glimpse of Ioco's past as you ride in vintage style.
Roving Performances - Watch juggling and magic tricks, try your hand at the unicycle and interact with the ghosts of Ioco past.
Old Time Music - Sing along to the banjo and ukelele, listen to the fiddler and barbershop quartet or sit back and enjoy some jazz.
Pony Rides - Travel old fashioned style on a pony.
Pie contest - Bake your favourite recipe and see if it can stand up to our discriminating judge. Prizes awarded for the top 3 entries.
Artisan Displays - See old time craftmanship with our wood turners, yarn doll maker, quilter, and weaver.
Apple Sampling - Taste a variety of apples brought by the BC Fruit Tasters. If you find one you like, you can buy your own tree.
Birds of Prey - Get up close and personal with some birds of prey brought by Raptors Ridge.
Also on site: lots of crafts, local community groups, historical photo display and carnival games.
Before you go find us at the Port Moody Festival of the Arts Sunday, Sept. 25th to do some heritage crafts. Or come to the Port Moody Station Museum to get a glimpse of Ioco's past in the Ioco Historical Photo Display from Sept. 24-Oct 2.
Thanks to our sponsors Department of Canadian Heritage, the Port Moody Heritage Commission and Pacific Coast Terminals.
Contact Rebecca at the museum at 604.939.1648 or [email protected] for more information.
Look here for coming events
604.939.1648 or [email protected]
Page Updated Sept 4, 2010