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Promoting Membership

One-on-One Meetings
Let's do lunch. Leonard Angel explains his version of the business lunch for signing up new members.

Letters to 'Letters-to-Editor' Writers
Debbie Metke of the World Federalist Association of Milwaukee sends out the following letter to local people who write like-minded letters that are published in her city's newspapers.

Contacting Lapsed Members
This is a draft of a letter that can be sent to those whose membership has lapsed in an effort to have them rejoin.

Starting a New Branch
Organizing is a highly creative act. It is creative in the way producing and directing a play or a film is creative. It is a process of assembling and arranging existing elements -- ideas, money, people -- to bring into being something new and original. Organizing transforms reality. It can be tedious at times, and frustrating. It will test your reserves of character in ways you may not especially wish to be tested. It will put you at risk, exposing you and your decisions to public scrutiny and judgement. It challenges you constantly. And in the end it brings you the rewards which rightfully go to those who rise successfully to a challenge: feelings of accomplishment, of satisfaction, of self-worth, and occasionally the pure feeling of triumph.'
-from World Federalists of Canada Organizing Manual - by Dieter Heinrich

Resources Gobal Interdependence Initiative

In 1999, the Aspen Institute asked the FrameWorks Institute to conduct original communications research for their Global Interdependence Initiative (GII). GII is an effort to better inform, and more effectively motivate, American public support for forms of U.S. international engagement that are appropriate to an interdependent world.

The research and discussion of 'framing' will also be of interest to those trying to engage Canadian media.

IMPACS Media Resources

The Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society (IMPACS) is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization committed to the expansion and protection of democracy and the strengthening of civil society. We build strong communities by providing communications training and services to Canadian not-for-profit organizations, and by supporting free, open and accountable media internationally.

Feel free to download and distribute their 'IMPACS Media Toolkit' and other resources.

Network For Good

Network For Good helps nonprofit organizations increase capacity, reach new audiences, and build Internet strategies.

See their section on 'Online Advocacy'.

Voluntary Sector Knowledge Network

Management assistance for the staff and volunteers who lead Canada's Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations.

See their section on 'Information and Communications Technology'.

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© 2002-2004 World Federalist Movement - Vancouver Branch • Larry Kazdan
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