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Dancers perform at Lucia


Dance performances

This is a historical page. We are no longer doing performances. Past venues have included the Dania Fair, Vancouver Midsummer, the PNE and the Lucia festival. Rehearsals were separate from our regular dance evenings; they were held as the schedule requires.

For performance bookings, contact scandi@vcn.bc.ca.

You can have a look at the schedule for 2011 to get an idea of what kinds of performances we have done in the past.


Dancers in costume for the Multicultural Festival in New Westminster





Some videos have been posted on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/scandiperformers/videos?flow=grid&view=0

Here are a few photos.
Performers at midsummer 2008

Musicians parade at Midsummer 2008

 Midsummer festival in Vancouver


This page was last modified on January 13, 2023.

Copyright (c) Scandinavian Dancers of Vancouver, BC Society.

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