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Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series

This site is hosted by the University of Minnesota and is part of their Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series. The site has a full range of green landscape information in a most user friendly way. Issues covered include: Design, Plant Selection, Implementation and Maintenance.


Urban Landscape Research
This site, hosted by the University of Minnesota, contains information in articles, publications and case studies of progressive landscape planning and design projects across the United States.

Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute
This is a site dedicated to urban forest issues hosted by CalPoly State University. It provides information on many trees and what they are appropriate for in the urban context including pictures, publications, information on an emerging software tool for urban forest assessment and an extensive page of links to related organizations.

Landscape Architecture World Wide Web Resources
This site is the virtual library of the the University of Toronto's Landscape Architecture School and contains information and analysis on a range of landscapes and places.

Landscape/Conservation Ecology
This is the site is a peer-reviewed journal "Conservation Ecology" that focuses on the integration of conservation science and policy and provides current information on many innovative landscape issues.

Landscape Ecology & Biogeography
This is a portal to many sites with information on landscape ecology and biogeography around the world.

This site, hosted by the Australian Permaculture Information & Design Service, contains a wealth of information from the point of view of the permaculture movement, including permaculture based design, farming, biodiversity, health and alternative economics.

Urban Agriculture Notes (by City Farmer)
This site, hosted by Vancouver's own City Farmer - Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture, contains significant resources from a grassroots point of view on urban gardening issues, demonstration gardens, articles and publications, events, training opportunities, and general facts on food and urban agriculture.

Architecture | Climate | Energy | Finance | Food | General Sustainable Development Information | General Sustainable Urban Development | Green Building Resources | Green Chemistry | Green Roofs | Indicators | Industrial Ecology | Interiors: Products | Intriguing Potential | Landscape | Landscape Planning, Design and Management | Planning | Stormwater | Sustainable Community Design and Management | Water Issues