The EPA Office of Water Management
This site promotes water conservation planning. There are a number of
topics, related to water management, that are discussed at this site,
including: drought management, water conservation planning, water recycling
and reuse, water pricing, and water conserving fixtures.
WaterWiser: The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse
The WaterWiser site is a clearinghouse of water conservation information.
This site has a pragmatic orientation towards water conservation and has
a variety of links to water conservation projects and tips for conserving
This site contains good technical information. The CUWCC focuses on best
management practices for water conservation and has been able to get a
number of water providers to sign a MOU agreeing to BMP implementation
by 2002.
Water Magazine
This New Zealand based water site has quite of bit of material on water
management issues of all kinds. There is a blend of academic and popular
literature which covers a wide variety of topics related to water and
waste water.
This site, hosted by CERES, contains an excellent list of resources /
links on watershed planning related to the California Watershed Information
Technical System. It's resources include community involvement in watershed
planning, the process of developing a watershed plan and best management
Stream Restoration
This site, hosted by the Federal Interagency Stream Corridor Restoration
Working Group, a group of federal American agencies, has a wealth of information
on streams and restoration processes. It covers information on stream
corridors, effects of disturbances, developing restoration plans, restoration
design and construction / rehabilitation.
Constructed Wetlands
This site, hosted by the EPA's Office of Water, has 17 case studies of
wetlands of various sizes, designed for wildlife habitat objectives, ranging
over many types of climate and geography. As well, the site has good supporting
material on a range of related issues.
This site, hosted by a single individual, contains everything you want
to know about greywater, including scientific information about the nature
of greywater, a thorough scoping of many technologies available to deal
with it, a series of case studies and a methodology for planning a grewater
management system. It includes many diagrams and pictures that are easy
to understand.
Home Use of Greywater, Rainwater Conserves Water...
This site, hosted by the Water Resources Research Centre at the University
of Arizona, explores many aspects of water and graywater, providing an
easy to read summary of most issues along with examples and facts.
SustainableBuilding Sourcebook: Guidelines
This site is part of the excellent Austin Green Builder Program and covers
many facts and numerous methods of dealing with greywater through various
technologies, including design diagrams.
San Francisco Bay / Sacramento /San Joaquin Delta: GIS
This site has an good list of GIS related information for the SanFrancisco
Bay Area that can be used as a reference for similar work elsewhere.