Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia
provides a framework for effective stormwater management throughout the province. The stormwater planning guidebook — a new tool for local
governments — presents a methodology for moving from planning to action that focuses on
implementing early action where it is most needed.
Environment Canada: Stormwater Assessment Monitoring and Performance Program (SWAMP)
This site is hosted by Ryerson and supported by Environment Canada, Ontario's
Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Transportation, and the Toronto
Region Conservation Authority. It is built around the Stormwater Assessment
Monitoring and Performance Program (SWAMP). It profiles some excellent
stormwater management initiatives and provides valuable and accessible
technical and resource information, including links to other good sites.
Vancouver Island Region: Best Management Practices- Land Development (BC Ministry
of Environment, Lands and Parks)
This site is hosted by the BC Government, and focuses on Best Management
Practices for land development. The report on this site, ENVIRONMENTAL
(March 2001), outlines in detail every step of a project's assessment
and development phases with respect to primary environmental issues. It
is quite technical and focuses primarily on current regulation - a guide
for approvals and inventories.
Urban Stream Bank Restoration and Rehabilitation
This site is built around a paper intended to act as a technical circular
for the application of engineering and geotechnical methods to aid in
the restoration and rehabilitation of urban stream systems in BC. It reads
like a manual or a thesis at times, with references, and includes comprehensive
information on the topic, including construction methods and details,
5 case studies, a short bibliography and several links to other related
Erosion Control: Land-Use Planning: The Ultimate BMP
This site contains a range of information on urban streams, wetlands,
preserving streams and managing runoff, including background information
and recommended policies and planning approaches. It also contains links
to related magazines.
Bioretention Sites for Stormwater Management
This site covers a range of issues related to bioretention sites for stormwater,
including basic costs, design and management issues, as well as resources
for further information.
EPA's Office of Water: Model Ordinances to Protect Local Resources
This is an excellent site outlining suggested ordinances / regulations
for dealing with water issues around buffer zones, open space planning,
erosion and sediment control, stormwater, and pollution sources. It contains
links to places in the US where ordinances exist to deal with these issues,
thereby providing a resource of applied and pragmatic regulatory tools.
Center for Watershed Protection Maryland
Washington Organic Recycling Council
This site provides information on the relationships between runoff management
and soil. It is largely focused on using the information in support of
salmon habitat preservation and enhancement.
State of Rhode Island Water Resources Board
This site is provides data on water issues, and is an excellent source
of links to other relevant websites on publications, organizations, government
and academics.
EPA's Office of Water: Case Studies
This site contains the final reports of projects funded by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program Office that demonstrate
the successes of ecological protection and restoration techniques and
model programs across the Great Lakes basin.
Site Planning and Design Techniques for Stormwater Management
This site is devoted to a paper from the 1998 National Planning Conference
titled: "New Low Impact Design: Site Planning and Design Techniques for
Stormwater Management." This paper is a brief overview of some major aspects
of the Low Impact Design Manual developed by Prince George's County, Maryland's
Department of Environmental Resources. It focuses on Low impact development
(LID) and how to achieve stormwater management controls by fundamentally
changing conventional site design to create an environmentally functional
landscape that mimics natural watershed hydrologic functions (discharge,
frequency, recharge and volume).