Monica Franz, MA
Ethics and Disclosure Statement
When the heart
Is cut or cracked or
Do not clutch it
Let the wound lie open
Let the wind
From the good old sea
blow in
To bathe the wound
with salt
And let it sting.
Let a stray dog lick it
Let a bird lean in the
hole and sing
A simple song like a tiny
And let it ring
Let it go. Let it out.
Let it all unravel.
Let it free and it can be
A path on which to
~ M.Leunig
As I am deeply committed to ensuring best practices in all areas of the
client's process, I provide a copy of my Disclosure Statement for review and
discussion during the initial consultation. A complete copy of this Statement
is available on request and includes information such as fees, ethical
accountability, ownership of files, confidentiality and its limits, cancellation
policy, process of closure, assurances as to the client's confidentiality,
autonomy, and receipt of quality of care.
During the initial consultation, I invite the client to collaborate in identifying
those therapeutic goals that they understand would be most beneficial at that
time. These goals may be revisited and changed at any time during the
counselling process.
I am committed to ensure that I facilitate the client's reaching their identified
therapeutic goals in as skilled and expeditious a means as possible. I consult
with the client periodically during our work together to ensure that they are
satisfied with the course the therapeutic process is taking.