Financial Accountability

As a registered, not-for-profit organization and food bank (Registration #S-26572), Lifeline is responsible to you, the public, in the administration of all funds given to us. We the Board of Directors, Staff, and Volunteers work hard to ensure your gifts are used for the purpose in which they were given.

There are two aspects of consideration in describing Lifeline's distribution of funds:

While management and administration costs currently account for approximately 2.5% of gifted funds received, our goal is to reduce this amount to less than 1% by the end of 2003.

Any expenditure of a cash donation received by Lifeline is first subject to review by the Board of Directors before being directed to the receiving program or project. This includes donations that have been directed to a specific program by a donor.

For more information about Lifeline's Financial Polices and Procedures, contact Pastor David Poulette or email him at [email protected]