Our History and Growth

Lifeline Outreach Society was founded in 1988 when Pastor David Poulette, employed as a Child Care worker, spent his spare time in the downtown core working with the homeless and hungry. He began by simply taking them a hot meal. This not only met their immediate physical need, it let them know that someone cared. Perhaps more importantly it allowed Pastor David to minister to the lives of hurting. People shared countless stories of despair, hopelessness and tragedy. Pastor David became aware of how people were more willing to share their lives with him when they ate together. Sitting together and sharing a meal seemed to break down walls and barriers that kept people locked in their own world, their own despair.

As the number of homeless people continued to rise, Pastor David shared his frustrations with a friend regarding the number of hungry people searching the trash for food. His friend, not too serious, suggested that Pastor David purchase the church bus that was for sale, fill it with food and clothing and transport it downtown. Pastor David immediately saw the potential and made plans to make it happen!

After equipping the bus with a stove, hot and cold running water and clothing racks, Pastor David and one volunteer made their first trip. Approximately 40 people were fed the first night with conversations sharing hope and faith reaching well into the night.

Within two months between 20 and 30 volunteers were offering to help sort clothing and food donations. The next few years found the Blue Bus to be a faithful presence. Both the volunteers and those who needed the program respect it.

From this outreach, Pastor David and his wife Janice, started the Counselling and Care Services program. This program focused on the root causes of homelessness and poverty, working one-on-one with people struggling with issues like alcoholism, addictions, unemployment, and abuse. Pastor David was able to aid in preventing homelessness and providing food at several locations in the Vancouver area.

It was during this time when Pastor David also realized he was missing an important part of the poverty cycle. In the downtown core, many people were hungry and in need of help but for some reason or another, such as chronic illness, they could not come down on Monday nights. In response, the Heartbeat Homecare program was initiated.

In recent time, BC Teen Challenge approached Pastor David and offered two homes in Richmond, BC. What a wonderful gift God has provided. These two homes have provided us with a base for the Blue Bus program and the vision to start Anchor House. Anchor House is a vision to provide emergency shelter for women at risk of living on the streets. While living in the home, these women will have the opportunity to learn new life skills to help them reenter the community.

Over the last 14 years, we have served many meals, given out lots of warm clothes, and helped many turn their lives around. Through counselling on the street, many young runaways have returned home, jobs were found for the unemployed, shelter was provided where possible, medical attention was provided, and thousands have developed a renewed hope and faith.