Counselling and Care Services

Our primary goal is to meet the immediate physical needs of those we serve and help move homeless people into a productive lifestyle that contributes to society. Lifeline's counselling and Care Services Department provides long term solutions and acts as a supportive base to individuals desiring to change their life circumstances.

Our counsellors strongly believe in meeting the emotional and spiritual needs of those less fortunate. Our ultimate aim is to assist people in breaking patterns of poverty, addiction and homelessness by addressing the root causes of these conditions.

One of the basic premises of "Prayer Counselling" is that presenting current issues are symptoms of deeper unrest due to vows, judgements and conclusions we have formed about what kind of person we are and how 'life' will treat us. When we experience God's healing at those formative levels we are changed.

Prayer Counselling is effectively being used for:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Addictive behaviors
  • Self-esteem
  • Assertiveness
  • Grief and loss
  • Obsessions and Compulsions
  • Abuse issues
  • Traumatic memories
  • Problem Solving
  • Spiritual Growth

...and many other areas where misinterpretation are lodged in memories.

Our standard...

  • create a safe and private setting.
  • communicate sincerity and warmth.
  • maintain a non-judgmental attitude.
  • be sensitive to the needs of those we serve.
  • provide culturally-sensitive counselling.

Counselling and care services are available to individuals, couples and families. Group sessions are also offered in some areas.

For more information contact:

Pastor David Poulette or email [email protected].