Theatre Under The Stars Membership

See TUTS Home Page


For an annual fee of $25.00 you can become a member of Theater Under The Stars.

As a member of Theatre Under the Stars, you will be supporting the continuation of summer theatre in Stanley Park with all its opportunities for young aspiring actors and dancers.

Other benefits include:

  • A Membership Card
  • An invitation to the Opening Night performance of either show, including a post-show members' reception on site, with cast and crew participating.
  • The newsletter STARLINES mailed or e-mailed to you three or four times a year.
  • Voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting.

Registration Form

First Name: Last Name:
Address: City:
Province/State:  Postal Code:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Fax:
Payment: Please call for Credit Card info
I will print this form and mail with a cheque for $25 to:

Theatre Under The Stars
2099 Beach Avenue, Stanley Park
Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4

For further information phone 604-734-1917

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Theatre Under The Stars