How to configure & use Netscape & Messenger

How do I configure the Netscape browser?

Open Netscape and go to the Edit menu. Choose Preferences. Click on Navigator on the left side under Category.

In order to set a particular web site as the start-up page, (=Home), choose Home Page in Navigator starts with frame, on your right side. This frame allows you to set the site that you browse to most frequently such as the “VCN” Home page. You can type this web address in the location text box (http://www.vcn.bc.ca). Click the OK button on the bottom of the window when finished.

What is Netscape Messenger?

It is an email program. It allows the user to receive and send email, as well as view and participate in newsgroups.

How do I configure Netscape Messenger for my VCN e-mail?

  1. Open Netscape and go to Edit menu, choose Preferences. This will open up the Preferences window.

  2. Click on Identity on the left side under the Category. If you can't find Identity, click on the plus sign ( + ) beside Mail & Newsgroups and the menu will appear.
    Type in the following information:
    Your Name: enter your real name
    Email Address: [email protected]
    Organization: enter your group name
  3. Next, you will want to identify VCN as your mail server. Click on Mail Servers on the left side under Category. Click Add on the left side.

  4. In the Mail Server Properties window, type in:
    Server Name: mail.vcn.bc.ca
    Server Type: POP3 server
    User Name: type in your VCN login ID

    Check Remember Password if you don't want to retype your password every time you check your email. Click OK at the bottom.

  5. For Outgoing Mail Server, type in:
    1. Outgoing mail server: mail.vcn.bc.ca
    2. Outgoing mail server user name: type in your VCN login ID

    *Note: Leave the default setting as Never for Use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or TLS for outgoing messages.

  6. If you want to receive an email from a Newsgroup, follow the steps outlined below.

  7. Click on "Newsgroup Servers" in the left column.

  8. If the list under "Newsgroup Servers" is blank, click "Add” button.
    Type in the following information:
    Server: news.vcn.bc.ca Port: 119

  9. Click OK and OK to close the setting boxes

How do I access Netscape Messenger?

There are two ways.

How do I send e-mail?

If you want to send this message to more than one person, enter the additional email addresses in the lines below.

How do I check email?

Netscape Messenger is contacting the VCN server and is downloading the new messages. This will take a while depending on your connection speed and the number of new messages.

How do I subscribe and unsubscribe to newsgroups?

How do I view newsgroups?

What if I run into problems?

Problems may be due to incorrect settings in the program. Check the settings as follows:
If the list under "Newsgroup Servers" is blank, click "Add".

If the server is one other than "news.vcn.bc.ca" then click "Edit". Fill in the following information:

Name: news.vcn.bc.ca
Port: 119
Where can I find additional help?

The Unofficial Netscape FAQ
A loosely edited collection of frequently asked questions that have been compiled by a group of volunteers and have been posted on the Internet.

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Netscape Handbook
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