Help Desk Telephones

Answer the phone with: “Vancouver CommunityNet Help Desk, George speaking, how can I help you?

Most phone calls can be handled by the Help Desk and should be documented in the online Request Tracker. Where the caller asks for a specific individual, find out more about the call and solve it if you can. Document problems in the RT or take detailed messages on the pink message pad if the call must be directed to a specific staff person.

The Help Desk public phone number is 604.257.3811. When this line is busy, calls roll over to the second line (604.257.3810 - do not give out this number).

Both telephones are hooked up to the TalksWorks voicemail program on the Help Desk computers. The small telephone icon in the bottom right of the screen should be blue (indicating auto receive).

If for any reason one of the voicemail programs is not working, the telephone affected should be call-forwarded to the functioning line and system.

To Enable the call forward feature: To Disable the call forward feature:

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